Monday, July 30, 2007

Let's Eat

Food is one of my favorite things. I can probably put it before camping because one of my favorite pre-camping activities is meal planning and prepping. Nick can tell you that I usually have a picnic of some sort planned if we are hiking or road tripping. Although, once I only brought powerbars and Slim-Fast, a tad dissapointing. One of the hardest things about moving to a new city is finding new restaurants to go to. Nick and I always try a couple and just stick to those. I think it is time to branch out a little, nothing against Mexico, our version of San Jose. So, I think I will write reviews of some restaurants we have tried. I hope this doesn't bore you non-Richmonders, or everyone that reads this. I think I will even add any good recipes that I try, starting with this recipe for Ten-Minute Bruschetta. It is quick and easy to make and I have seen it disappear.

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