Thursday, May 10, 2007

I'm sorry Daisy

I take back everything I said about Daisy being a bad running partner. She has been a very loyal running partner for two years. Every time I want to go running, she is at my feet, panting and stretching, knowing she is in for an exhausting sniff-a-thon.

We went running last night, Me, Melissa, Nick and Daisy. On the way back, Daisy had what looked like a seizure. Nick picked her up and I ran home to get the car and some water and a phone book so we could call the emergency vet. When I got back to them, we tried to give Daisy some water, but by that point she couldn't even stand up. We got her in the car and blasted the air conditioner on her and she really started to perk up. By the time we got to the emergency vet she was smiling at everyone who worked there and barking her head off at the fact that she had to be locked up while she waited for the doctor to examine her. They did some blood work and checked her vitals and said we could take her home if we kept a close eye on her. The vet called at 12:30 last night with her blood work results. They think she either had a seizure or was extremely exhausted, poor thing.

We woke up every hour last night to check on her and we wouldn't let her off our bed. I can't even imagine having to take care of a child one day. This morning she is back to her old self. Chasing cats and barking at the neighbors. I am just glad she is ok. But, I don't think I can take her running again. It is strictly walks from now on. She gets more sniffing done that way anyway.

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