Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Yay Turkey Day!!!

My sister is coming to Richmond for Thanksgiving. This is good for so many reasons. Nick and I don't have to go anywhere. I get to see my sister. We can make whatever we want for Thanksgiving dinner. Since Nick and I aren't huge turkey fans, he wants ham and I want beef. We are thinking ribs might be a compromise. We make great ribs. I am making a Mac and Cheese I made a few months ago and was a huge success. Nick wants stuffing and Carolyn wants sweet potatoes. At least, we all cook. Looking forward to it. What will you be having?


EmployeeMegan said...

We had fried turkey for the first time -- Wade's little brother cooked it. I am ashamed to admit how delicious it was.

Julie said...

Those are so good. Were you in the ATL?

EmployeeMegan said...

We were in Atlanta, and the Charleston for turkey day.