Thursday, August 2, 2007

Today can only get better

See my optimistic attitude. I've been working on it. I couldn't fall asleep last night and then had one of those restless nights where I couldn't figure out if my dreams were dreams or just thinking. Then I woke up at 5 AM and couldn't stop thinking that Nick was soaking one of my baking sheets in the sink and they can't soak, cause they fill with water and explode in the oven. So, I had to go downstairs to check, and he wasn't soaking it, cause he also knows they will explode if we soak them. So much for having a little faith in him. Then I just laid in bed thinking some more. I guess I finally went to sleep because I woke up to Daisy throwing up in her bed. I cleaned her bed and got ready for work, but forgot to do half of the stuff I do to get ready for work and forgot my lunch. Once I hit the cobblestone road on my way to work I had this weird feeling that I wasn't wearing my bra, thankfully I am, I can't imagine explaining that to my boss. I am groggy and really need to concentrate, but my mind keeps wandering and mulling and thinking about stuff that I really shouldn't be mulling over. Stuff that I can't change now, a lot of it stuff that happened years ago. Anyway, so today can only get better, I hope.

1 comment:

*jcg said...

it's funny how something can get stuck in your head and you can't shake it. it's miserable when it follows you around all day, too.