Friday, January 4, 2008

New Year's Eve

Nick and I had our second best new year's eve ever. The first was 2005, I believe. We were at the condo at Litchfield Beach and decided at 11:58 that maybe we should stumble to the beach and see what was happening at midnight. So we grabbed a blanket and a bottle of champagne and found a place in the sand just seconds before the fireworks started. We were absolutely surrounded by fireworks and we just sat there for a while enjoying them. We have been talking about that new year's ever since and I don't think we have ever even tried to top it since then. 2006, we lived in Texas and didn't know anyone, so we just stayed home. I was probably asleep at midnight. 2007*, we were getting ready to move into our current apartment and I have no idea what we did. But, this year, Nick and I were at the new house at Oak Island and decided that we should definitely make it to the beach for midnight. We grabbed Daisy and some champagne and a blanket and found a spot in the sand. And sure enough we got another fireworks show. This time they were only fireworks at the piers, but that's fine with me. Did I mention I kind of hate fireworks, so the further away the better. They are pretty, but I hate the noise and the risk of injury and I don't really agree with all that litter just falling in the ocean. But, sitting on the beach, completely alone, with the love of my life to ring in the new year is absolutely perfect.

* I remembered New Year's Eve 2007. Nick and decided to rent a lake house in NC. We invited a bunch of our friends, but no one came except Cindy. She did bring 15 of her friends. Story of my life.

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