Friday, January 11, 2008

Pet Drama

They have decided that their lives are way too boring and they just need some excitement. Last night, in the middle of cleaning my house, I left the room for one minute. When I came back, Spidey had managed to get her pinky claw stuck on something and pulled it off. I walked into my dining/living room to see bloody paw prints all over. I freaked out and ran to see if Daisy was okay. I promise I don't love her the most. She was fine. Then it hit me. I know it's Spidey, because who else would it be but the meanest animal that I provide shelter for. Anyway, she hasn't really let me look at it and you really can't soothe a cat. She assumes I am killing her. Am I a bad cat caretaker if I don't take her to the vet? I mean, Nick lost a toenail once and he's fine.

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