Monday, September 24, 2007

Did I mention I love Richmond?

Nick and I had a great weekend. We spent Saturday shopping for winter clothes. We are going tent camping at Shenandoah National Park at the end of October and it will be cold, so we bought warm gloves and hats and coats and thermal underclothes and wool socks. It was very hard to get in the winter frame of mind with it being 90 degrees outside. Then Nick made some steaks for dinner. Yummy! It's been a long time since he enjoyed a steak and I enjoyed A1. It's a small addiction of mine, I eat food to eat the sauce that goes with it. I really don't care about how a steak tastes. Then we met our friend out at Metro Grill for drinks and she introduced us to all of her friends, which was nice. It was an eventful evening that eventually ended at someone's house with a skate ramp in the backyard. That was interesting. Sunday was a slow day, we laid on the couch for the first half of the day, watched The Food Network and looked up stuff on the internet. This was one of our finds, although we haven't had the nerve to order any yet, then they would be in our freezer, calling our names, everyday, until they were gone. So we had a fun weekend, but if you ask either of us, Sunday was the best day we've had in a while.

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