Thursday, June 21, 2007


I guess it's wrong to complain about people complaining. That makes me a complainer. I get that we all have bad days, or bad jobs and we need to vent. It's not that kind of complaining I'm talking about. I am so tired of other people complaining about other people. There I go again, being a complainer. I don't mean like how I complain about Nick leaving change all over the house, I mean like complaining that the person in the car in front of you won't go when you think they should. Isn't it their choice? Maybe they are having a seizure, we just don't know. We never know what another person goes through, or why they make their choices, but unless they hurt you, they are their choices. I just wish we could all get out of each other's lives and just be happy for ourselves. Live and let live right.
I have made huge leaps and bounds in this area in the last few years, as I have been the new girl for the last 2 years. I've realized that my life is so much more whole when the focus of my life is, well, my life. The more I focused on other people the more miserable I was. I noticed that the less I complained about other people, the less I also thought that other people might be happier, or have better lives than me. Works both ways, I guess. Anyway, I'm sure you all already know this/do this. I just happen to be a late bloomer, but the happiness that I have experienced from making this change is amazing.

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