Tuesday, June 5, 2007

I live in a zoo

Nick and I have two cats and a dog. The tabby is Spidey. Spidey is the first cat I got when I moved out and the first cat that Nick ever had to live with. In Spidey's mind, she is always in control. Then we got The Sir, the black cat. He's a laid back guy with a squeaky voice and a life-long need for prescription cat food. Before we got our dog Daisy, the cats used to play twins, they also used to sleep on the bed.

Now we have Daisy, the cats have been replaced and she has taken over the bed. Daisy is our first dog and the only dog that I have ever lived with. This is her playing where's the Daisy.

I really love my pets, they brighten up my day, but every now and then it would be nice if they would clean up after themselves.

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